Hope is not naive

Young people have hopes for the future that need to be heard in this election. We need to be able to imagine a thriving world, and to see politicians taking this seriously.

We want a future where we are liberated from the climate crisis

Some of our hopes

A world where we honor Te Tiriti o Waitangi and He Whakaputanga

A world where rangatiratanga is guaranteed to Māori and where our ways of living, relating, and governing reflect our Treaty commitments. We love the idea of the multi-sphere models outlined in Matike Mai: a rangatiratanga sphere where Māori make decisions for Māori, a kāwanatanga sphere where the crown makes decisions for its people, and a relational sphere where we come together to make joint decisions. 

Thriving and accessible communities

We hope for thriving communities to be a part of. Livable communities where housing is affordable and warm. Accessible communities where transport is free and available to everyone, and our urban environments are accessible for everyone to enjoy. Resourced and resilient communities where we have time and space to grow our own kai, to get to know each other, and to look after each other. 

Climate justice

A response to the climate crisis that is rooted in the ideas of collective liberation and understandings of responsibility. A world where we achieve climate justice is a world where we have gender equality, a world where we uphold te Tiriti o Waitangi, a world where everyone has a home, everyone has enough to live full lives, and communities on the front line of climate change are fully supported to recover and lead.  

A flourishing environment

A flourishing environment that we can connect with and where mana whenua relationships to place are prioritised. Native forests, marshes, beaches, estuaries, that are centres of biodiversity and are resilient to climate change. Kākā flying overhead, and kiwi in our backyards. Places where we can get our hands dirty and grow food together.