Get out to vote!
Voting this election is crucial to make sure our voices are heard. If we all turn out to vote for our people and our planet, then we can send a clear message of the future we hope for. We hold more power in our communities than we know.
How to vote
If you haven't voted before, or have moved house since you last voted in a general election you can enrol or update your details here. It's quick and easy and all you need is an ID.
Vote NZ also has information and enrolment options in accessible formats, including Te Reo Māori, NZSL, and other languages.
Voting opens on the 2nd of October and closes on election day, the 14th of October. If you haven't enrolled by then you can do so at the voting place. You can find all the information you need here
If you are going to be overseas during this election, it's still super simple to enrol. The regulations have changed since the last election and its even easier to vote. Check your eligbility and enrol to vote here.
Candidate and Party Information
Trying to figure out who to vote for can be tricky, particularly when there's so much information flying around. For information on parties and their policies, a huge coalition of ActionStation, Amnesty International Aotearoa New Zealand, Auckland Action Against Poverty, Fairer Future, JustSpeak, 350 Aotearoa, Young Workers Resource Centre, Public Housing Futures and Renters United put together an amazing set of scorecards that cover a wide range of topics.
More information on party policies can be found on Policy NZ:
Information on your local candidates can usually be found on their party's websites.