Who are we?


Generation Zero is a youth-led climate justice organisation. We create open spaces for rangatahi to grow, learn and collectively create a climate-just Aotearoa. We do this by forming strong communities in our urban centres, grounded in hope, wellbeing and action. Our action consists of strong allyship in the justice space, especially as a tāngata Tiriti organisation, and community-based campaigning on climate related issues.  



Our Story of Climate Justice

Climate change is not only an environmental issue; it is a social issue that impacts our communities unequally. Countries and corporations who are the most responsible for rising greenhouse gas emissions are the least likely to be impacted by climate change. Meanwhile, countries and communities who are the least responsible bear the brunt of climate change’s impacts.

Historically and structurally disadvantaged communities experience this injustice the most and are best placed to lead the necessary change. Societal inequities, many caused by the downstream impacts of colonisation and capitalism, place groups such as rangatahi, tangata whenua, tangata moana, people of colour, disabled people, low-income communities, LGBTQIATakatāpui+ folks, women and other marginalised genders on the frontlines of climate change.

Generation Zero sees a climate-just Aotearoa as a place where our economic systems place people and planet over profit and past wrongs are righted. In this vision, all people in Aotearoa can live well and in balance with Papatūānuku. Those who are the most to blame for climate impacts take action, provide reparations, and ensure meaningful support for frontline communities. Decolonisation and upholding mana motuhake as outlined in Te Tiriti o Waitangi are at the heart of this climate-just future.


Within this vision, Generation Zero imagines spaces where all people are able to live well and where:
  • Tangata whenua are able to exercise their tino rangatiratanga, including in climate change responses.
  • Rangatahi and frontline communities feel that their voices matter in our political systems.
  • Communities understand and can access information about climate justice. 
  • Communities are interconnected, have easy access to essential amenities, and are resilient to the future effects of climate change.
  • Housing is accessible, affordable and resilient to the effects of climate change.
  • Public transport is well-connected, accessible, affordable, sustainable, and equitably distributed.
  • Green and blue spaces are free, accessible, and in abundance.
  • ... and much more!

Generation Zero was established in 2011 to create localised climate action and ensure that rangatahi have a voice in the climate movement. We felt that climate action was being side-lined in public and political spaces in Aotearoa, and that the people most affected by climate change, including rangatahi, were not being heard. Generation Zero has since shifted its focus to climate justice, following shifts in climate change conversations locally and worldwide.



The GZ strategy download